It all started with a box of bees and a dream!
It all started with a box of bees and a dream!
After years of working for multiple farmers in the Pike Place Market, Anne Smith took a leap of faith and got her first box of bees. With an understanding landlord, in the heart of the city, Anne placed her first lil bee hive right outside her apartment and dreamt of what could BEE…
One box turned into a few more, and those few turned into a move up to Whatcom county for Anne and her bees. Sunny Honey Co still keeps their bees in this beautiful part of our state, in the many berry farms that Whatcom is known for! Anne was able to extract enough honey to start selling at small local farmer’s markets. She will be the first to tell you that she got her start by the kindness of a farmer who let her put a few jars of honey on his farm table. With lots of love and support from her fellow farmers, a few jars a week turned into a couple cases, then her own table at local farmer’s markets. Before she knew it, she was ready for the big time, Pike Place Market! “It’s like coming home, I’m home.” said Anne when thinking about being back in the market. Setting up shop in morning amid the hustle and bustle of all the produce, fish and crafters Anne was home and with a stand of her very own!
Anne’s love and dedication to her craft made Sunny Honey Co. an easy choice for the PDA (Preservation Development Association) when a permeant storefront became available right under the big clock, behind the Rachel the pig and next to where they throw the fish! Sunny Honey Company now employs 4 full time honey helpers and has grown so much over the years! From hive to home, every step of the process to get folks great honey, is done with love and kindness, for that is how this lil shop came to BEE!
Come see us next time you are downtown Seattle, Washington! We are open 7 days a week and our honey helpers are ready!!